Hair removal is a common ongoing process for both men and women. When it comes to aur waxing it’s easy to know when to shave next just by looking at your image in the mirror. Most men have to shave for about 2 times every week. Those who use permanent removal methods like laser and IPL will also have to do follow-up sessions till they get permanent results.
Understanding the frequency of laser removal is not that straightforward, because you will need to first understand your hair growth cycle to schedule the removal sessions. In this post we shall talk about how often laser hair removal at home.
Laser Hair Removal
It offers a permanent hair removal solution and many people have achieved great results with this method. The best time for the follow-up sessions is in the growth phase, when the follicles just start cropping up. Everybody has unique growth cycle depending on their skin and hair types, but it is easier to schedule the laser sessions if you are able to read your hair growth cycle, and then choose the growth phase for doing it.
The ideal way to experience better results with laser hair removal is to follow the hair removal sessions once every two weeks. Studies have revealed that 20% of the overall body hair will reach the anagen phase once every two weeks, and these hair follicles are the target of laser hair removal. As a result, you will need multiple sittings till every hair follicle is in its anagen phase and is removed from the root.
IPL is an easy-to-use laser hair removal option at home. It can be used continuously for 12 and 6 weeks when you use it twice weekly. When you explore the area on your body, you will notice that some pores will have multiple hairs, and some places will not have thick or dense hair growth.
The duration required for the complete hair removal is decided based on the hair density and thickness in any body region. Some IPL devices can cover more area than others because of their dimension and the laser hair removal coverage they provide. Hence, the duration of hair removal is not the same for every person.
Some skin is sensitive, yet hair growth is dense. Concentrating the laser pulse for more minutes in these areas, you might notice redness, rash, or skin damage. Hence, the experts suggest never exceeding the suggested hair removal time in any area.
Trust the Process
Even though the process is longer and does not offer instant results like waxing, threading, etc., you need to trust the laser hair removal technique. The positive factor of this hair removal technique is that it guarantees permanent hair removal when you complete all the sittings. The laser hair removal process means targeting every hair follicle from the root. Some devices cover more area, whereas others might cover less area. The main thing to understand is patience is the key. The procedure will require you to have enough patience and let the experts work on your skin. You can expect the promised results once the complete sittings are done.